Hi everyone! Here you are; my most requested topic to discuss on my blog is BY FAR, Healthy Nutrition/Diet Tips. Nutrition is a VAST subject and it would be difficult for me to cover absolutely everything in just one post, so this is dedicated to eating healthy and tips for fat loss. DISCLAIMER ; The information in this blog is from what I have learnt through my education and experiences during my fitness journey so far. I am NOT a qualified or accredited Nutritionist by any means. Our bodies are very unique and individual so what may work well for me, may not work for you, so just keep that in mind. Regardless, I hope you learn something from this post :) KEY DEFINITIONS Before we seriously start talking about Nutrition, here are some technical terms for those of you who may not be familiar with this subject; Calorie- A unit used to measure the energy value of food. Macronutrient- Fats, Carbohydrates or Proteins which are needed in our diets in larger amounts. Micro...