Hi everyone!
For my very first blog post I'm going to be telling you about some important and reassuring things I think you should know before you start going to the gym; whether you're coming back after a break, or you're a complete beginner. I understand that Gyms can be very intimidating places if you are unfamiliar with the environment. So I hope you can take away something from this, feel more confident and learn something new. Here are my tips...
This is something I never used to do, and now I pack a gym bag, I will never be able to go back! Here's some of my essentials:
- WATER to stay hydrated before, during and after your workout.
- SNACK for after your exercise.
- DEODORANT/BODY SPRAY; trust me on this one.
- SPARE CLOTHES , I usually bring a spare top to feel fresh after my session.
- HEADPHONES, without a doubt the most important thing in my bag (emotionally ofc after water). Heartbreak = forgetting your headphones when you go to the gym.
With your bag prepared; if you're a beginner or have limited knowledge on exercises and movements, I HIGHLY recommend planning your sessions out to a T before you set foot in the gym. Write down your warm up/cool down, stretches, main exercises, rest times, EV-ER-Y-THING. This will help your confidence and organization massively. It will also prevent wandering around between exercises trying to think of what to do next. You walk in there, smash all your exercises and leave with no hassle.
This is more commonly seen in beginners and females. Lifting weights WILL NOT make you ladies large and bulky; there are so many positives from weight training such as:
- Decrease in Body Fat
- Muscles Increase in Strength
- You still Burn calories
- Stress Relief
- Reduce risk of Osteoporosis
- Muscles get more toned
These are only a few of may more benefits of weight training. But remember, if you are unsure of how to use any equipment in the gym, don't be afraid to ask a member of staff to help, it's what they're there for! If you're new to weight training, make sure you start light before you load on the weight; nail the form first so you don't cause an injury.
Stretching is very important for any type of training/physical activity. If you're using cardio machines, weight machines or free weights, make sure you properly warm yourself up before hand to maximize your output during the session and to prevent injury above all else. Stretching...
- Reduces muscular tension
- Enhances and allows for increased range of motion/mobility
- Increases the flow of oxygen to your muscles
- Prevents injuries
- Increased blood flow (gives you more energy)
- Eliminates pre-existing lactic acid
If you're new to the gym, it is completely natural to be nervous and self conscious about going. But think about this; Do you always go to the gym when every machine is taken and you can barely move? Do you want to workout when there are only a handful of people at your gym? It's simple, don't go at "Peak Times".
Typically, peak times are in the morning before work, lunchtime, and straight after work; perhaps hold back from training until after 7:30pm. Alternatively, you can search your gym into Google and scroll down to find Popular Times for your gym; you're able to see when is the best time to go, and is an absolute life saver!
Active-wear and Gym-wear has changed A LOT over the past few years without a doubt. There are so many new brands, styles of clothing and trends that are being set. You do not have to buy a certain brand/type of leggings just because a fitness influencer on Instagram does, or because everyone else seems to be. Wear what you want to wear and what is most comfortable for you so you feel confident. I promise you that going clothing you love wearing will make you more motivated to do well in your session.
Feeling anxious and nervous when you've started the gym is 100% OKAY! You're in a new environment, surrounded by people you don't know, doing something you're new to. But the gym is not a stage, you're not performing to anyone, even though it may feel like the whole world is watching. Everyone at the gym is there for one reason only, and that is themselves. Everyone at the gym is getting on with their own exercises and sessions, and I can guarantee they have no interest AT ALL in what you're doing. However, If anyone is physically staring at you then it says a lot about them as a human being, coming to the gym to stare at someone else. But, you never know, they could be looking at the exercise you're doing and thinking they want to try that themselves! everyone in that gym was once as nervous and self conscious as you are. don't forget that.
If you're seriously tracking calories burned or aiming to lose body fat, machine calories are not the most accurate to go by. There are several different factors which contribute to how many calories you burn; fitness levels, body composition/size and your age. Cardio machines more often than not, don't take these factors into consideration. There are more reliable alternatives like fitness trackers with your information programmed into it, and heart rate monitors/trackers. Either way, calorie reading should be taken along with a pinch of salt, use the numbers you record as a benchmark.
My final and probably most important thing to remember for anyone that goes to the gym. Whether it be improvements and changes in strength, mobility, aesthetics, form; CHANGES DON'T COME OVER NIGHT. Admittedly, every now and then I do 20 sit ups and question where my abs are afterwards, but the most important thing to remember for anyone that goes to the gym. Whether it be improvements and changes in strength, mobility, aesthetics. Persistence, dedication and hard work will drive you closer to achieving your goals gradually overtime. If it's something you really want, you will stick to it. And remember, there are fun enjoyable ways for everyone to succeed, the key is trying them out until you find a method that you love the most and gives you the results you want.
There are my tips for you! I really really really hope this helps one of you out there. If you still feel nervous, have any questions, or topic requests, then feel free to message me on my Instagram: @shxrt_arse
Honestly such a good blog! Provides accurate and helpful advice for anyone starting or who’s been there for a while ����